Wednesday, October 29, 2008

somebody has to say it

I am so tired of people's attitudes on serving lately. When a leadership role is placed on someone, they better hold up to those standards. Not following through with something because you are tired, or your nose is stuffy, or you just don't feel like it- kills me. There are a lot of things that need to get done in life that you are not going to feel like doing. We are not called to be faithful in our commitments only sometimes. So if you are reading this wondering if this describes you, please stop and think about why you are doing the things you do. If you cant find a good reason, back out for a while and figure things out. But don't hold onto commitments you cant keep. And especially don't keep people wondering when you are going to fulfill your commitments if you never have the intention of doing so.


Andrew said...

yeah I agree so much with this and the excuse about homework. I understand if once and a while. but I know someone who leaves half way through a ministry I help with. every week cause of homework.

Spaghetti Brained said...

Wow. Were you speaking to me? b/c it sure felt like it!
thanks girl. you're wonderful