Thursday, July 16, 2009

derf and blerf

I went to a wedding. This is michelle gabbard and emily. Love them.
This is me finishing up a paint war. It was sooo fun. I am on the far left and soaking wet.
I got bangs. Sometimes i like them, sometimes i dont. This moment, I dont. We will see.

1. I am building relationships with a few older girls in the youth group. It is awesome to finally be able to pour into someones life and see the transformation. I have always been bad when it comes to carrying others burdens, which happens a lot in ministry I am finding out. This is something that I am having to learn very quickly.

2. Overall, I have worked the most with Blake, the Jr. High minister, and really admire him. I have a lot left to learn from him and how he runs his ministry. I am looking forward to the rest of the summer with all the staff and students. Every minute of my job is great and I would not change it for the world. I am so lucky to get paid to learn and do what I love most in life.

3. I am scared to go back to school. I think I'll just stay here.

4. We all put God in a box based on the scope of our faith, understanding, and spiritual freedom. Is your box getting bigger or smaller? I am trying daily to make mine bigger.

5. Watching the homerun derby was not so much fun. I usually love baseball but it seemed boring this year. However, I loved loved loved the all star game. I fell back in love with baseball when I watched that game.

6. I get to go to Oregon in two weeks and I could not be more excited. I feel so alive when I am there. It will be awesome to hang with my cousins and shoot some hoops. (i sound like I am good at basketball, nope. Im not)

7. Words that I have been saying non-stop: derf and blerf. neat. intentional.

8. I have started running again. It is so hot here that I cant make it super far without getting heat stroke. I love exercising and feeling good about myself.


Emily said...

i think they bangs are cute...running 8 miles at 7 Am...if your up you can call HEHE

Spaghetti Brained said...

like the bangs. dont be scared for school. God shouldnt be in a box period.and heat stroke... doesnt sound like a good thing. you might want to work on that! :/ jus sayin. but way proud at you running! and learning/growing in christ... awesome discipline! you go girl! : )
man i love you and miss you!