Monday, December 15, 2008

funny in a not funny way

So here is my story of the day.
I was in the library studying for finals and almost missed my final. So here I am, running across campus in the ice and sliding everywhere. Not good. People thought it was so funny. They should really have a class on how to walk in the snow/ice.
After my finals are all done for the day, I had to go to the DMV to get some things done. Unfortunately my car was frozen over. My doors were frozen shut and it took a while to pry them open. I first opened my passenger door and tried to open the drivers door from the inside. I ended up breaking off the door handle. Now I have to roll down my window and open the drivers door from the outside. Neat. I should probably invest in a scraper for my car. I did not have one, so I spent a good deal of time scraping ice off my windows with a pen. Not smart. Once I get my car finally open, I travel to the dmv. They are closed.

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